A L P H A    I N S U R A N C E
Our Features

Non-life Insurance Provide you a Better Future

Personal Accident Insurance

An accident may occur to any individual, and in this case our Company is ready to give you a piece of mind on a twenty four hours, 365 days cover, at home or around the globe. Choose what is best for you.

Fire / Allied Perils Insurance

Insurable properties are BUILDINGS and their improvements / better merits, MACHINERIES, EQUIPMENTS, STOCKS and OTHER PROPERTIES.

Marine Insurance

Outgoing or incoming cargoes At ALPHA your cargo(es) is protected against losses incidental to marine adventure via any outgoing and incoming commercial Ocean Vessel, Airplane and by inland travel.

Bonds / Surety Insurance

Before an Insurance Company can issue Government bonds or acts as Surety in an undertaking It must have an administrative order issued by the Office of the President of the Philippines and Our Company acquires that AO No. 244 issued May 31, 1957 and signed by the late President Carlos P. Garcia.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Motor Cars Insurance are Classified into three (3) categories Private Vehicle – all sedans Commercial Vehicle – Vans, Pick-ups, School Services Land Transportation Operators – paying passenger carrying vehicle


To lead, promote and sustain excellence in providing comprehensive non-life insurance services to the insuring public and in the pursuit of excellence.


To lead, promote and sustain excellence in providing comprehensive non-life insurance services to the insuring public and in the pursuit of excellence.

Success Rate
Running Policy
Balance Limits
What We Offer

Our Company Make You Feel More Confident